The lunar year of your birth unveils your Chinese zodiac sign. Experience the influence of “Shengxiao” on your fate. At the bottom of this page you will find daily birth dates with the corresponding Chinese zodiac signs.

  • Rat (Z1) | 180g | 22h
    A rat's mind is characterized by ingenuity and curiosity, as well as keen observation skills. I’ll burn for your thorough action.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Ox (Z2) | 180g | 22h
    Diligence, reliability, and determination accompany the ox throughout its life. Family and work play an important role in this. I’ll inflame the power of patience in you.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Tiger (Z3) | 180g | 22h
    The tiger has a strong sense of self-confidence and the courage to face unusal challenges. I’ll inflame a just leadership in you.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Rabbit (Z4) | 180g | 22h
    The rabbit pursues its life targets calmy, peacefully, and with gentleness. Mutual consideration is important for him. I’ll warm your kind and loyal soul.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Dragon (Z5) | 180g | 22h
    The dragon faces life ambitiously and vigorously. It strives for a pleasant future enthusiastically and full of optimism. I’ll reconcile your fiery character.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Snake (Z6) | 180g | 22h
    The snake is intelligent and a symbol of wisdom. Solving complex problems or experimenting is one of its strengths. I’ll enlighten your way to creativity.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Horse (Z7) | 180g | 22h
    Horses love company and like to be humorous and quick-witted in this. They are very agile and need a lot of variety. I’ll facilitate the necessary freedom for you.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Goat (Z8) | 180g | 22h
    Harmony is a goat's motto of life. It always behaves towards others in a helpful way and likes to surround itself with nice things. I’ll give you inner balance.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Monkey (Z9) | 180g | 22h
    The monkey experiences its nature curiously and with a good portion of ambition. It pursues his targets with its funny, but also intelligent nature. I’ll let you rest.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Rooster (Z10) | 180g | 22h
    The rooster enters the stage of life proudly and confidently. It is especially characterized by diligence, ingenuity and reliability. I’ll awaken your sensitivity.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Dog (Z11) | 180g | 22h
    The dog shows itself loyally, sincerely, and with a strong sense of justice. It has a good insight into human nature and acts honestly. I’ll ignite your confidence.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping
  • Pig (Z12) | 180g | 22h
    Pigs show themselves always kindly, caringly and helpful. They face life optimistically and full of confidence. I’ll maintain your boundaries.
    EUR 12,52 *
    * Excl. VAT excl. Shipping

05.02.1924 - 23.01.1925 - Rat

24.01.1925 - 12.02.1926 - Ox

13.02.1926 - 01.02.1927 - Tiger

04.02.1935 - 23.01.1936 - Pig

24.01.1936 - 10.02.1937 - Rat

11.02.1937 - 31.01.1938 - Ox

31.01.1938 - 18.02.1939 - Tiger

16.02.1939 - 07.02.1940 - Rabbit

08.02.1940 - 26.01.1941 - Dragon

27.01.1941 - 14.02.1942 - Snake

15.02.1942 - 04.02.1943 - Horse

05.02.1943 - 24.01.1944 - Goat

24.01.1944 - 12.02.1945 - Monkey

13.02.1945 - 01.02.1946 - Rooster

02.02.1946 - 21.01.1947 - Dog

22.01.1947 - 09.02.1948 - Pig

10.02.1948 - 28.01.1949 - Rat

29.01.1949 - 16.02.1950 - Ox

17.02.1950 - 05.02.1951 - Tiger

06.02.1951 - 26.01.1952 - Rabbit

27.01.1952 - 13.02.1953 - Dragon

14.02.1953 - 03.02.1954 - Snake

04.02.1954 - 23.01.1955 - Horse

24.01.1955 - 11.02.1956 - Goat

12.02.1956 - 30.01.1957 - Monkey

31.01.1957 - 17.02.1958 - Rooster

18.02.1958 - 07.02.1959 - Dog

08.02.1959 - 27.01.1960 - Pig

28.01.1960 - 14.02.1961 - Rat

15.02.1961 - 04.02.1962 - Ox

05.02.1962 - 24.01.1963 - Tiger

25.01.1963 - 12.02.1964 - Rabbit

13.02.1964 - 01.02.1965 - Dragon

02.02.1965 - 20.01.1966 - Snake

21.01.1966 - 08.02.1967 - Horse

09.02.1967 - 30.01.1968 - Goat

30.01.1968 - 16.02.1969 - Monkey

17.02.1969 - 05.02.1970 - Rooster

06.02.1970 - 26.01.1971 - Dog

27.01.1971 - 14.02.1972 - Pig

15.02.1972 - 02.02.1973 - Rat

03.02.1973 - 22.01.1974 - Ox

23.01.1974 - 10.02.1975 - Tiger

11.02.1975 - 30.01.1976 - Rabbit

31.01.1976 - 17.02.1977 - Dragon

18.02.1977 - 06.02.1978 - Snake

07.02.1978 - 27.01.1979 - Horse

28.01.1979 - 15.02.1980 - Goat

16.02.1980 - 04.02.1981 - Monkey

05.02.1981 - 24.01.1982 - Rooster

25.01.1982 - 12.02.1983 - Dog

13.02.1983 - 01.02.1984 - Pig

02.02.1984 - 19.02.1985 - Rat

19.02.1985 - 08.02.1986 - Ox

09.02.1986 - 28.02.1987 - Tiger

29.01.1987 - 16.02.1988 - Rabbit

17.02.1988 - 05.02.1989 - Dragon

06.02.1989 - 26.01.1990 - Snake

27.01.1990 - 14.02.1991 - Horse

15.02.1991 - 03.02.1992 - Goat

04.02.1992 - 22.01.1993 - Monkey

23.01.1993 - 09.02.1994 - Rooster

10.02.1994 - 30.01.1995 - Dog

30.01.1995 - 18.02.1996 - Pig

19.02.1996 - 06.02.1997 - Rat

07.02.1997 - 27.01.1998 - Ox

28.01.1998 - 15.02.1999 - Tiger

16.02.1999 - 04.02.2000 - Rabbit

05.02.2000 - 23.01.2001 - Dragon

24.01.2001 - 11.02.2002 - Snake

12.02.2002 - 18.02.2003 - Horse

01.02.2003 - 21.01.2004 - Goat

22.01.2004 - 08.02.2005 - Monkey

09.02.2005 - 28.01.2006 - Rooster

29.01.2006 - 17.02.2007 - Dog

17.02.2007 - 06.02.2008 - Pig

07.02.2008 - 25.01.2009 - Rat

26.01.2009 - 13.02.2010 - Ox

14.02.2010 - 02.02.2011 - Tiger

03.02.2011 - 22.01.2012 - Rabbit

23.01.2012 - 09.02.2013 - Dragon

10.02.2013 - 30.01.2014 - Snake

31.01.2014 - 18.02.2015 - Horse

19.02.2015 - 07.02.2016 - Goat

08.02.2016 - 27.01.2017 - Monkey

28.01.2017 - 15.02.2018 - Rooster

16.02.2018 - 04.02.2019 - Dog

04.02.2019 - 24.01.2020 - Pig

25.01.2020 - 11.02.2021 - Rat

12.02.2021 - 31.01.2022 - Ox

01.02.2022 - 21.01.2023 - Tiger

22.01.2023 - 09.02.2024 - Rabbit

10.02.2024 - 28.01.2025 - Dragon

29.01.2025 - 16.02.2026 - Snake

17.02.2026 - 05.02.2027 - Horse

06.02.2027 - 25.01.2028 - Goat

26.01.2028 - 12.02.2029 - Monkey

13.02.2029 - 02.02.2030 - Rooster

03.02.2030 - 22.01.2031 - Dog

22.01.2031 - 10.02.2032 - Pig

11.02.2032 - 30.01.2033 - Rat

31.01.2033 - 18.02.2034 - Ox

19.02.2034 - 07.02.2035 - Tiger

08.02.2035 - 27.01.2036 - Rabbit

28.01.2036 - 14.02.2037 - Dragon

15.02.2037 - 04.02.2038 - Snake

04.02.2038 - 24.01.2039 - Horse

25.01.2039 - 12.02.2040 - Goat

13.02.2040 - 01.02.2041 - Monkey

01.02.2041 - 21.01.2042 - Rooster